The Right to Bear Arms                                Glock World



Receivers Receiver Help Prints & Temps Parts Services

Templates produced by Luna and Diablo's Den are thoroughly researched for precise dimensions and designed on our CAD program. Each template is printed individually from disc to retain the accuracy of the product. We Do Not xerox our templates!! 

Blueprints are available in three different sizes. Blueprints are printed from disc to enable us to sell you the best product possible. All blueprints and templates are printed within our facility on our own equipment. Blueprints and templates will arrive to you neatly rolled and not folded. Items that you receive from Luna and Diablo's Den will not be crumpled and distorted. 



Templates                                                       $10.00 each 

           4444444                                                                                             Ask us about quantity pricing!!

1. Sten Mk II     9. AK 47 Folder  8 8 (Coming Soon)!
2. Sten Mk II Compact   10. Mac 10-45 Receiver Flat
3. Sten Mk V   11. Mac 10-9mm Receiver Flat
4. Austen   12. Mac 11-380 Receiver Flat
5. Sak Commando   13. HK G3/91 Cocking Tube
6. CZ 24   14. Lanchester
7. CZ 26   15. Lanchester Mk *
8. AK 47 Standard    

Special: Browning 1919 A4/A6 Side Plate Template with 24 x 36      Blueprint   $20.00

Vertical Templates                                                                                            $12.00 each
1. Sten Mk II Vertical
2. Sten Mk II Vertical Left Side Cocking
3. Sten Mk II Compact Vertical
4. Sten Mk II Compact Vertical Left Side Cocking
bullet Note: Included with each of the vertical templates is a bolt conversion template with instructions.



Blueprints                                                                                                                    Sizes

            4444444 (8.5 x 11) (18 x 24) (24 x 36)
1. Sten Mk V Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
2. Sten Mk II Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
3. Sten Mk II Compact Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
4. PAF Chilean Sterling Receiver $5.00 $10.00 ----
5. SAK Commando Receiver $5.00 ---- ----
6. Yugoslav 56 Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
7. Yugoslav 49/57 Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
8. Owen Mk II Model 1943 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
9. MP 38 Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
10. Mac 10 Upper/Lower Receiver $7.00 $15.00 $20.00
11. Madsen Model 50 Receiver (2 pages) $7.00 $15.00 $20.00
12. Lanchester Mk I Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
13. Lanchester Mk I * Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
14. American 180 Full Auto Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
15. Soumi M31 Receiver $5.00 ---- ----
16. Reising $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
17. Beretta 38A & 38/44 Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
18. Portuguese FBP Receiver  $5.00 ---- ----
19. Thompson SMG Model M1A1 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
20. Thompson SMG 1928 A1  (2 pages) $7.00 $15.00 $20.00
21. UD M42 Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
22. MP 40 Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
23. Vickers Right Side Plate $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
24. Model 37 Left/Right Side Plates (2 pages) $7.00 $15.00 $20.00
25. PPSH 41 Receiver $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
26. Star Model Z45 ---- $15.00 ----
27. Steyr Solothurn Receiver $10.00      11x 17 ONLY!!
28. M60 Receiver Set   (8 pages) $15.00 $40.00 $60.00
29. Browning BMG 50 L/R Side Plates (2 pages) $10.00 $15.00 $20.00
30. Browning BAR Receiver $10.00 $15.00 $20.00
31. Browning 1919 A4/A6 L/R Side Plates $10.00 $15.00 $20.00
32. 1911 A1 Receiver (8 pages) $15.00 ---- ----
33. Uzi Receiver Set (8 pages) $10.00 ---- ----
34. Austen Mk I $5.00 $10.00 $15.00
35. CZ 24 Receiver--CAD Drawn $15.00    8.5 x 14 ONLY!!
36. CZ 26 Receiver--CAD Drawn $15.00     8.5 x 14 ONLY!!
37. AR 15--CAD Drawn ---- $10.00 $15.00
38. Carl Gustav Swedish K M45 Receiver ---- $10.00 $15.00
39. M3A1 Greasegun ---- $10.00 $15.00
40. Chilean Sterling ---- $10.00 $10.00
41. AR 15/M 16 ---- $10.00 ----
42. MG 42 Dummy Receiver  (2 pages) ---- $15.00 $20.00
43. Mg 34 Receiver  (2 pages) ---- $15.00 $20.00
44. FN/FAL Receiver (2 pages--inch pattern) ---- $15.00 $20.00
Specialty Blueprints      
1. SKS Full Auto Sear Instructions $5.00 ---- ----
2. AR 15 Full Auto Conversion Drill Jig $10.00 ---- ----
3. AR 15 Lightning Link Plans  (6 pages) $10.00 ---- ----
4. AR 15/M16 Drop In Auto Sear Plans $10.00 ---- ----
5. AK 47 Full Auto Drill Jig $5.00 ---- ----
6. Uzi Suppressor Set  (8 pages) $15.00 ---- ----
7. Liberator Pistol Set  (32 pages) $14.00 ---- ----
8. Colt 1911 Complete  (54 pages) $25.00     11 x 17 Only!!
9. Sten Mk II Complete  (22 Pages) $20.00     8.5 x 11 Only!!
10. Russian SMG PPSH 41 Complete  (12 Pages) $20.00     8.5 x 11 Only!!
11. Glock Full Auto $10.00 ---- ----
bullet Special:  AR 15-M16 Drop-In Auto Sear Plans and AR 15-M16 Blueprints $27.00--24 x 36 ONLY!!


Please note:


Prices listed do not include shipping!! Shipping rate is $4.30 for USPS Priority Mail. Global rate begins at $5.00 or $9.00.


Templates that are purchased individually are watermarked to protect against copying.  


Discounts are given on bulk quantity if you wish to purchase more than one template. 


To bond the template to a receiver surface, it is recommended that Spray Adhesive be used.


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